Junair Environment Statement

At Junair Spraybooths Ltd we recognise the critical role we play in safeguarding our planet. We are actively committed
to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance in all our operations
and business activities. We encourage customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to do the same to help contribute
to a healthier planet and a better future.

Our Commitments

Minimising Environmental Impact – We strive to minimise the effects of our operations on the environment
by reducing waste, conserving resources and preventing pollution.

Compliance – Ensure that we comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and requirements.
Our commitment extends beyond compliance – we strive to exceed legal requirements and continuously
improve our environmental performance.

Resource Efficiency – We pledge to minimise waste by evaluating our operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible
by implementing recycling prgrams, reduce consumption of resources and explore new sustainable practices.

Education – We commit to actively promote recycling both internally and amongst our customers and suppliers.

Sustainability – We commit to working with partners who share our values, to offer a product range that minimises
environmental impact and to choose environmentally friendly materials and suppliers whenever possible.

Improvement – We will continually seek to identify areas for improvement of our environmental performance,
minimise the impact and damage of our operational activities by regularly reviewing and checking our performance
against our environmental goals and by education of our employees, customers and suppliers.

Our Goals

Our key environmental goals are to consistently improve our organisation’s impact on the environment.
We aim to achieve this by:

  • Reducing our carbon footprint by implementing energy efficient practices, exploring renewable energy sources
    and continuously monitoring changes in legislation, adapting our practices accordingly.
  • Minimising waste and maximising efficiency through careful and efficient use of resources.
  • Promoting recycling and the use of recycled and refurbished products and materials where such alternatives
    are economical and suitable.
  • Collaborating with partners who prioritise eco-friendly materials and practices and to encourage sustainable practices
    throughout our supply chain.
  • Designing our products with a focus on resource efficiency and longevity to minimise environmental impact
    throughout their lifecycle

Junair Social Responsibility Statement

At Junair Spraybooths Ltd we recognise that our business is not an isolated entity but an integral part of a larger
ecosystem. Our commitment to corporate social responsibility extends beyond profit margins to encompass ethical
practices, environmental sustainability and community well-being. We are committed to upholding the following
values and commitments.

Our Commitments

Employee Well-Being – We pledge to prioritise the health, safety and well-being of our employees. This includes
providing a safe workplace environment, promoting work-life balance and fostering a culture of respect and

Community Engagement – We commit to actively engage with the community in which we operate. This includes
supporting community initiatives, volunteering and collaborating with stakeholders to address local needs.

Supplier Responsibility – We will uphold our ethical sourcing practices by ensuring fair treatment of suppliers,
promoting transparency and adhering to responsible supply chain management.

Diversity and Inclusion – We recognise the value of diverse perspectives. Our commitment is to foster an inclusive
workplace that embraces diversity, promotes equal opportunities and combats discrimination.

Environmental Stewardship – While focusing on social impact, we remain committed to environmental sustainability.
We aim to reduce our ecological footprint, minimise waste and promote eco-friendly practices.

Our Goals

Our key social goals are to consistently improve our organisation’s social impact throughout all our operations.
We aim to achieve this by:

  • Striving to assist employee development by providing ongoing training and development opportunities
    for all employees, enhancing their skills and career growth.
  • Establish partnerships with local non-profit or community organisations to address specific social
    challenges in our area.
  • Establish a comprehensive supplier code of conduct, emphasising fair labour practices, environmental
    responsibility and ethical behaviour.
  • Progress towards a more inclusive and diverse workforce by tracking and reviewing diversity metrics
    to measure our performance.
  • Continue to ensure consumer safety in the design and manufacture of our products with a focus
    on quality to ensure customer satisfaction.

Junair Governance Statement

At Junair Spraybooths Ltd we recognise that governance excellence reinforces trust, accountability and long-term sustainability.
We are committed to upholding the following values and commitments.

Our Commitments

Board Accountability – We commit to robust governance mechanisms at all levels. Our board ensures strategic guidance,
risk management and ethical conduct. We hold ourselves accountable to our sustainability goals.

Transparency & Reporting – We pledge transparent reporting on governance practices. Regular disclosures will cover risk
management, compliance and adherence to ESG principles.

Ethical Conduct – Our commitment extends to ethical behaviour. We maintain a code of conduct that guides decision-making,
promotes integrity and prevents conflicts of interest.

Stakeholder Engagement – We engage with stakeholders, including employees and communities.
Their input informs governance decisions ensuring alignment with broader interests.

Risk Oversight – Our governance framework includes robust risk oversight. We actively manage risks associated
with our business operations, including ESG related risks.

Our Goals

Our key Governance goals are to consistently improve our organisation’s governance throughout all our operations.
We aim to achieve this by:

  • Aiming to diversify our management team further, ensuring representation across gender, ethnicity and expertise
    with the end goal of fostering better decision making and governance.
  • Continue to integrate ESG considerations into our governance processes by means of risk assessment and performance metrics.
  • Continuing to strengthen our internal controls by refining processes, ensuring compliance and minimising our operational risks.
  • Develop a comprehensive climate resilience strategy by assessing climate related risks, implementing mitigation measures
    and disclosing progress transparently.
  • Raise awareness of ethics for all employees, emphasising governance principles, compliance and decision making.

Our Values

Never compromise on quality

Focus on customers

Thrive from solving problems

Strive to build the best

Increase productivity

Reduce our impact on the environment

If you have a new project that you would like some help with, call us on +44 1706 363 555 to speak to a member of our team about your requirements. We will take you through our project process step-by-step, whether you are redeveloping an existing site or building a new facility, Junair can help.